Whipped Cream Raspberry Pancake Cake

whipped cream raspberry pancake layer cake recipe easy summer crepe cake better baking bible blog refresing fruit strawberriesPANCAKES WITH WHIPPED CREAM AND RASPBERRIES / CHARLOTTA WASTESON / CC BY

What a fun summer dessert the whole family can make! This cake is made from stacked thin pancakes also known as crepes and smothered with whipped cream and raspberry jam. It’s a no-bake cake that’s so simple to make yet it’s delicious and a wonderful spin on regular cake. If you don’t have raspberries on hand, you can always use strawberries and strawberry jam. Love chocolate? Sneak a few Nutella smothered pancake layers inside!

Whipped Cream Raspberry Pancake Cake

Easy summer dessert using pancakes, whipping cream, and jam!
For Crepes
  1. 2.5 cups white flour (or 1 cup whole wheat flour, + 1.5 cups white flour)
  2. 2 cups milk
  3. 2 eggs
  4. ½ cup water
  5. 1 tbsp oil
For Filling
  1. Whipped Cream
  2. Raspberry Jam
  3. Fresh Raspberries to decorate


To Make Crepes
  1. In a mixing bowl, beat eggs and milk. Slowly mix in flour, water, then oil.
  2. Heat a crepe pan on medium heat and add ½ tbsp. of oil. Pour in ½ cup of crepe batter, tilt pan to swirl around batter and make sure the crepes are thin!
  3. Let each crepe cook for a minute, flip over and cook for 30 seconds.
  4. Remove and stack on a plate.
To Assemble Cake

Slather raspberry jam on first layer, stack with second crepe and slather on whipping cream. Repeat until you run out of crepes. Frost the top layer with whipping cream and decorate with fresh raspberries.


I like to spice up my crepes so I add a dash of cinnamon and ground flax seed!