How To Turn Your Simple Recipe Into A New And Fun Cakes

Spice up your cake baking by turning a simple recipe into a whole other ball game. Here’s how!

Baking is fun but believe me no matter how much tasty your cake is, if you keep repeating the same recipe of plain old cake, after a certain time, your kids will be like “Again??!!”. It is going to be really frustrating experience that after all the effort and love you put into it, no one is appreciating it because its just your simple old recipe.

There doesn’t have to be a magic trick to make things better. It just lies in simple ways that can be used to make your kids believe that you have made something new. Before we look into tricks that you can play on your cake, let me share my favourite cake recipe that never fails.

The Simple Cake Recipe

I first came across this recipe in the book that offers 1 cake mix that you can turn into 100 amazing recipes. This is a flawless recipe that has never gone wrong. Here are the ingredients:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees before you start mixing the ingredients.
  2. Take 6 ounces of plain flour with one table spoon of baking powder. Sift and mix well.
  3. Add 3 eggs (beaten), 6 ounces of sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional), 6 ounces of softened butter. Mix all these well.
  4. When the mixture is smooth, add 2 tablespoons of milk.
  5. Pour this mixture into prepared tin and bake on 180 degrees for 35 minutes or until baked well.
  6. Let it cool down before you try your luck at decorating the cake.

I have tried more than half of variations of cakes in this book, and none of those cakes have turned out poorly. So, try them and you will like them too.

Get geared up for a picnic. Bake your cake, decorate it with love, get a Chick-fil-A Original Biscuit and you are all set for a wonderful treat.

How to turn cakes into amazing ones

The good thing about turning cakes into fun ideas is that everyone is going to like it. If you think you do not have what it takes to make awesome ones, then remember the adage of practice makes a man (even a woman) perfect.

  • Buy food colour:

There are so many things that you can do with food colour. It definitely makes the cake’s appearance more appealing.

  • Use allspice:

Not all cakes have to be full of sugar; instead you can tantalize your senses with allspice or such ingredients that you don’t normally use in your recipes.

  • Experiment with fruits:

Fruits should be an essential part of your diet, and there is no easier way of increasing your kids’ intake of fruits than to put them in cakes.

There are countless ways that you can play around with icing; try it and it will get better with each time.

  • Buy a piping cone:

Piping cone comes in handy when you are trying cake decorations; start off with one piping cone and you will love the results.

  • Buy good quality biscuits:

You can use some good quality biscuits in your recipe or for decoration; you can try different shapes and sizes.

  • Try colourful MnM:

MnM are a simple trick of making any cake irresistible.

  • Dust with sugar:

Even if you are in a hurry, simply dust your cake with sugar and you are all set to go!

  • Try funky candles:

When you go out to buy candles next time, shun the traditional cakes and buy some different type to decorate your cake.

  • Go pro:

If you feel confident enough, you can experiment with buttercream and sugar paste; they definitely yield better results.

  • Stick candies everywhere:

If you are out of ideas to decorate candies, you can utilize candies, and stick them all over your cake to make it look fun and appealing.

  • Edible flowers:

If you think you will not be able to do justice to any cake frosting, you can purchase edible flowers and use them to decorate the cakes. There are endless varieties available with different shapes, colours and sizes.

  • Use nuts:

Using nuts in your recipe is a great way of giving it a new flavour and extra nutrients. You can use any nuts according to your preference.

Once you have tried your hand on a few ideas, then you can check online for more cake decorating ideas that you can try. It doesn’t have to be a Master Chef style wedding cake, but you can start off with simple ones and master the art of decorating the cakes.

Baking is an art that comes with practice. Do not be disheartened if your cake decoration looks miserable compared to the recipe you have seen online. Trust us, it gets better with practice.

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