Kitchen Cleaning: What You Should be Doing and Why

The kitchen is the heart of the home. For many, it is where we start the day and gather as a family!

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Taking care of it is an inevitable chore, but it doesn’t have to take a lot of effort. In this article, we will list what you should be cleaning every day, every season, and why.

The Benefits of a Clean Kitchen

Hygiene (and Mental Health!)

This one goes without saying, but it is often overlooked. The number one reason you should be cleaning the kitchen on a regular basis is to avoid illness. Kitchens are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria. Leaving food out to spoil or using dirty dishes may result in food poisoning.

Not surprisingly, having a clean kitchen does wonders for your mental health. It frees the mind of clutter and makes cooking more enjoyable. You will save yourself the frustration of having to clean before you cook, and you will find what you need more easily.

Pest Control

Mice, ants, and cockroaches can smell your food from a mile away and they will come to the kitchen first. Kitchens are full of crumbs, grease, and moisture that we do not realize is attracting pests. Keeping the kitchen clean is therefore your first defense against a pest problem. You will be avoiding the damages of an advanced infestation and the costs of hiring a pest control company.


Staying organized means that you won’t let things spoil or buy foods you already have at home. You will know what you have in stock. Having a clean kitchen will also encourage you to make things yourself, saving on those pricey delivered meals. Your appliances will thank you, too. Regular maintenance means fewer repairs.

Daily Habits

Here are the things you should do every day. That’s right, every day! Getting in the habit of these things will make cleanup easier and save you stress.

Wash the Dishes

Washing the dishes frees up space and removes odours. Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher right away. Run it as soon as it is full. Anything that must be washed by hand should be done by the end of the day. Letting things sit for too long will make them harder to clean and they will spread germs.

Wipe the Countertops

Wipe surfaces clean whenever you do the dishes. Countertops, stovetops, and tables are covered in crumbs and spills that attract pests.

Clean the Sink

This should be done every time you do the dishes. Use a multipurpose cleaning product and scrub the sink down to remove grease. Don’t pour any oil down the drain and use a sink strainer to catch food.

Sweep the Floor

Like countertops, floors are covered in bits of food that will attract pests into the home. Sweep or vacuum the floor often. This will keep your floors in good shape.


Don’t forget the microwave! Check if the microwave is dirty when you are doing the dishes. Remove the plate from the interior and be sure to wipes down every side.

Store Food Properly

Put food away as soon as you are done cooking or eating. Use sealed containers and organized them in a way that makes sense to you. This will help you keep track of what you have in stock.

Take out the Garbage

The kitchen garbage smells terrible and attracts pests. Use a lidded garbage can and keep it under the sink. Take it out every night or as soon as it is full. Clean the interior of the garbage can on a regular basis.

Seasonal Habits

Now for what you should do on a seasonal basis. The following lists what you should do every few months so that you avoid repairs and deep cleans that take hours to finish.

Clean the Oven

The cleanliness of your oven will affect your baking as the food inside will absorb fumes. Purchase an oven cleaner from the store and follow the directions closely. Cleaning the oven regularly will decrease the amount of time it takes.

Clean the Range Hood  

Wipe down the sides and the interior of your range hood to remove grease. Detach the filter, then soak it in soapy hot water for 15 to 20 minutes. Scrub it clean with water and baking soda, then rinse and dry. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar together and use it for a final clean.

Sweep Underneath Appliances

When is the last time you cleaned under the fridge? The undersides of kitchen appliances get very dirty with dust, food, and debris. Pull your appliances out every few months and clean these surfaces thoroughly.

Wipe the Inside of the Fridge

Take a good look inside your fridge and throw out all your expired items. Then, disinfect the interior from top to bottom. Clean every crisper and shelf.

Wash the Dishwasher Filter

There is a filter at the bottom of your dishwasher that collects food particles. Take this out and wash it thoroughly in dish soap and hot water. This will help prevent any blockages and keep your dishes coming out clean.

Organize the Pantry

Empty out the shelves in your pantry and wipe them clean. Throw out expired items and take note of what you could be using to cook. Put everything back in an organized fashion. Categorize your foods and use sealed containers for loose items.

4 Popular Layout Designs To Consider For Your Next Kitchen Remodel

Trends in kitchen designs have changed tremendously over the past decade.

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According to a study by the  National Kitchen and Bath Association, organic and natural designs are rising quickly in popularity, and some of the traditional layout designs like the L-shaped are still ranking as the most popular design in America. However, when you decide to do a kitchen remodel, getting the right layout design is the most important factor in ensuring a functional and practical cooking area. A clever kitchen layout design will make a difference in helping you get the most storage space and enhance the comfort and safety of your kitchen. Here Are 4 popular layout designs to consider for your next kitchen remodel.

U- Shape Design

This design consists of counters flowing around 3 walls uninterrupted to create a “U” shape. It is known to be the most functional and efficient design due to its ideal work triangle. The design also provides enough open space for you to add a seating area, which helps in keeping the cooking social. According to Magnum, open layouts allow modern-style homes to shine, especially when they combine spaces that allow a natural flow of activity. Additionally, U-shaped kitchens are also designed to be user–friendly as having benchtops on three sides allows you to have ample cooking space and appliances easily accessible.

Solo Wall 

Also known as “Single line kitchen,” the solo wall comprises cabinets, countertops, and major work services arrayed along one wall. The other sides of the kitchen are always open and often facing the living area. This design is generally found in studio or loft spaces because of its ultimate space saver. The design also offers a good workflow, as all of the major cooking functions are kept within a few feet of each other. If you have enough space, an island can be used to add storage and workspace, although this may be a tight fit.

L- shaped Design

This is one of the most popular kitchen layout designs. The L-shaped design is ideal for small and medium-sized homes as it allows for maximum use of the available floor. It consists of countertops on two adjoining walls that are perpendicular, forming an “L” shape. Having this design will help you free up space and offer great flexibility in the placement of appliances and work zones. It is also a great proponent of the working triangle.


Also known as a “walk-through” kitchen, this design is ideal for smaller spaces and one-cook spaces. It is characterized by two parallel countertops with a walkway in between them. With additional rows of cabinetry, the galley design offers more flexibility when it comes to storage space. It may also be open on both remaining sides, to allow your kitchen to serve you a passageway between the spaces. However, with the two sides being open, foot traffic through the kitchen can be inconvenient.
Ready for your next remodeling project? These layout designs will help you open your eyes and mind to selecting the best possible design you will want for your kitchen. Not to mention, give you a better insight into the ideal design that will suit your entire home space and layout.