Lemon Strawberry Protein Smoothie with Natural Ingredients!


lemon-strawberry-protein-smoothie-milkshake-healthy-recipe-easy-summer-2STRAWBERRY LEMON SMOOTHIE / VANESSA PORTER / CC BY 2.0

Looking to shed some pounds before the holidays? This lemon strawberry natural protein smoothie is just the fix to get you slim, looking great, and giving you tons of energy at the gym! When I say natural, I mean no artificial ingredients and those “protein mix” powders that I will get into later on. 

Protein smoothies are an easy and fast way to get the right nutrients you need all in one, cool glass. Lemon and strawberry is the perfect combination that not only limited for summertime, but all year long. It gives a refreshing feeling that is perfect after a long day at work, a gruelling session at the gym.

Before we get into the recipe I just want to break down why I choose NATURAL protein sources for my smoothies and stay far away from artificial products they sell in most health food stores:

You Gain Weight – Most people will simply have too large of a serving and get more calories than they need. If your workout isn’t intense, then these added calories will make it more difficult to lose weight and get the body that you want. If you have the protein powder drink after your workout, your defeating the purpose of working out. If you drink these drinks often, then you may gain weight over time.

It’s Harder – It would be easier to have a drink with natural ingredients like honey, yogurt, flax seeds and a banana. If we had a drink like this, we would get the energy our body needs after a workout without the added calories that a protein powder drink provides. 

Fake Ingredients – Many protein powders contain a lot of artificial ingredients that should be removed from your fridge forever, such as Acesulfame Potassium. According to HealthGuideReviews.info, this is an artificial sweetener which is 200 times sweeter than sugar is. If you’re concerned about your health, you may not want to consume this sort of sweetener.

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