Spotlight On: Tasty Imaginations – Edible Printing Ink for Cakes, Cookies, Cupcakes, and More!

Customize your baked treats with edible printing ink and let your imagination run wild!

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The name Tasty Imaginations says it all – edible printing ink that lets you print just about anything your heart desires for the tops of cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and just about any baked goods. If you’ve ever wanted to print your own customized image for a birthday cake or even make professional looking cookies for a Disney themed party, you can do it all and EASILY with an edible printer and some frosting sheets from Tasty Imaginations. 

I’ve never tried to print my own edible photos simply because I never knew how easy it was to do at home!

Tasty Imaginations sells affordable edible printers like this Frozen Dreams Edition Canon Printer that comes with 6 supreme icing sheets and a set of edible ink cartridges. It lets you print on frosting sheets, wafer sheets, rice sheets, and even chocolate transfer sheets. I feel like Charlie in the chocolate factory already!

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What I LOVE about Tasty Imaginations is that they supply you with everything you will ever need for edible printing. All of their products are FDA approved and proudly made in the USA! From specialized edible printers, frosting sheets, refillable cartridges, and numerous templates for different seasons and occasions, they truly are with you every step of the way.

If you are a recreational baker, just planning a cool party, or even looking to open up your own catering business, visit Tasty Imaginations to unleash your sugary imagination and start creating baked wonders!