Strawberry Sprinkle Funfetti Pancakes

strawberry funfetti sprinkle pancakes recipe easy better baking bible blog birthday party breakfast ideasSTRAWBERRY PANCAKES / KAE71463 / CC BY

Why have plain pancakes for breakfast when you could have this funfetti pancake explosion? Strawberry sprinkles pancakes are something your kids will LOVE to look forward to in the morning – so whip up a quick batch before heading off to sleep and drop them in the pan the next morning. We will be honest with you – there is no easier way to get them up for school in the morning! 

Strawberry Sprinkle Funfetti Pancakes

Yields 6
Add some color to your day with these funfetti strawberry pancakes!
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp kosher salt
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp butter, melted
  • 5-6 medium-sized strawberries, sliced
  • sprinkles of your choice
  • In a small bowl, mix together milk, egg, and vanilla extract. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
  • Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the milk mixture, mixing well and then adding in the melted butter and stirring until combined.
  • Heat a sauté pan over medium-low heat and butter or spray it with cooking spray. Once hot, scoop ½ cup of batter into the pan. Immediately lay 3-4 strawberry slices on each pancake, gently pressing each one in. Sprinkle with sprinkles and let it cook for about 2 mins or until golden brown, flip to the other side and cook for another 1-2 mins.
  • To serve, place strawberry side up and sprinkle with confectioners sugar, or whipping cream and more sprinkles if desired.

29 thoughts on “Strawberry Sprinkle Funfetti Pancakes

  1. Thank you! I just made these for my daughter and myself! Heaven! The base recipe tasted like these pancakes we used to get at a restaurant in Northern New York that I was crazy for when I was pregnant! I’m so happy to find these to make at home (now that we’re in Ohio)!!!

    • Hi Chelsie! To make my pancakes a little healthier, I add in a tablespoon of ground flax seed or use half gluten free flour. I make my own gluten free flour by grinding quinoa or millet seeds in my blender. You can try this out, it ads a nice taste as well as some fiber!

  2. Made these as a special Valentine’s breakfast but I used unsweetened almond milk and Earth Balance buttery spread instead. Super yummy!

  3. These were delicious. Made them for my daughter and ended up eating one myself. very tasty. Loved how the sugar made the batter just slightly sweet to the taste and then with the sprinkles it was just that perfect touch that they needed. Will make these again!

  4. Thinking of doing this for my son bday breakfast what is that frosting or glaze u have on top? Also I’m allergic to eggs can I substitute? Thanks!

    • Hi! The frosting is regular store bought whipped cream. For each egg you can use 1/3 cups apple sauce or 1/4 cups mashed bananas. I usually use bananas and it turns out great and doesn’t even have a banana taste!


  5. Just to recap. Can I mixup a batch of this and leave it overnight in the fridge and cook in the morning? I thought they won’t puff up if the batter is left too long. Thanks

    • Hi Fiona,

      Yes you can! Just make sure to cover the bowl with plastic wrap so it’s air tight. Or put it in a plastic container, sealed. You can also wait till the batter is at room temp before making and you may need to add a hint of water to thin it out. If the top of the batter turns a little brown from being left out over night, its totally fine!

  6. I want to make these for my mom in-law as a birthday breakfast! The problem is I don’t have an electric mixer 🙁 am I able to mix with a whisk or nutribullet? Thanks for your time!

    • Hi Mandi,

      Yes you can use and hand mixer – I do it all the time! Just make sure to whisk it good enough so there are no lumps and everything is smooth!

  7. I bet these pancakes I really good! Im gonna have to try this! Also, the last picture with the pancakes on the plate with the little hearts: where did you get that plate? It’s really cute! 😀

  8. This recipe is so much fun! My son loves and loves helping me make them. And since it’s fresh strawberry season in Lithuania we’ll be having a lot of these! Thank you for the idea!

  9. Hi! tomorrow (september 20) is my bday! I’m so exited for this new recipie. I’ve read the reveiws, but how does it taste? can you taste the strawberries? can you send me a picture of your first batch? was it crazy lookin? anyway, I’m so exited! bye. cannot wait!

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